The Battle of Identities

It was a Wednesday afternoon, 3 weeks ago, when Ms. K walked into our classroom and probed this question to the class: ‘Who are you?’

There were many answers from my classmates. Some answered, ‘I am a human being’, some said, ‘I am made up of many things such as my hobbies or likes and dislikes’, while others said their name and nationality. I was trying my best to pay attention but I was getting bored by the second. Classes right after recess and straight before lunch are always tough (yawn).

But soon enough, one of my friends declared that she was a girl. When my teacher heard this statement, her response caught my full attention. She said, “Are you very sure about that? If you want to be something else – you can change that, right? You can be whatever you want to be, can’t you?” That class marked the beginning of my philosophy course for the year. 


I believe I used to live in a ‘safety bubble’ intentionally created by my parents. Being born in Asia, receiving my child baptism when I wasn’t even aware of it, playing with my Sunday School friends on weekends, and going to a religious school on weekdays put me in this so-called ‘bubble’ that wrapped me around ‘safely’. 

I am certain all of you had your own safety bubble created by your parents in one form or another when you were younger. But do you realise that the more we grow, the more exposure we inevitably will face from this contaminated fallen world? We can’t hide in our safety bubble forever.

False teachings, wrong philosophies, worldly ideologies are filling up our society.

The scheming enemy is out there placing its snares in so many different forms and ways to deceive and destroy us. It comes from the books we read, the movies we watch, the songs we listen to, the activities we do, and even from our classrooms! Like very tiny hazardous particles in the air, we inhale into our lungs every time we breathe, often didn’t realise they exist as we can’t see them and they don’t really make us sick instantly. 


We are now living in a ‘post-modern’ era that has actually started since the late 20th century. In this culture, people are skeptics and claim that there is NO absolute truth. Everything is relative, and questionable. They consequently tend to be self-referential and epistemological (episteme – knowledge and logos – reason/justification). Combine this with the post-Christian time we live in right now, where the culture is increasingly becoming more secular, it is a bizarre situation to face at once. Just last week, Rev. Agus warned us that philosophical matters or ideologies that involve the way of life and morals are much more evil than any physical harm. 


The conflict between science and Christianity started in the 16th century, following the battle about equality and human rights that has once again been put into the limelight recently. Even though God is the one who created science, and that science would not exist without Him, modern-day scientists have been coming up with theories that go against Scripture. Their theories contradict with God’s purpose of creating science – which is to know more about Him and his creations.

God created everything vs Big Bang Theory/Evolution
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1-ESV)

The first sentence in the Bible starts the whole story about how our universe was created. God is the one who created EVERYTHING and before anything was made, God already existed. If you’ve been raised in a Christian family and have been going to church since young, you would already know this full well and (I hope) believe this truth wholeheartedly. However, the world around us rejects this truth and instead places its trust in theories of science. There are many theories about our existence and how the world came to be. The most common ones are the ‘Big Bang Theory’, which explains how the universe started as a single dot then expanded to its current size, and the ‘Charles Darwin theory’ of human evolution which suggests that humans originated from apelike ancestors.

God created male and female vs LGBTQ+
‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.’ (Genesis 1:27-ESV)

This issue I see around the school is concerning. Some girls decided to come in a shirt and pants instead of dress uniform, diversity lunchtime clubs are created to open a ‘safe space’ for students to express themselves, and mufti days to celebrate diversity. Gender fluidity may be the worst and most common lie in our society that goes against the Bible in many different ways. 

Genesis 1:27 explains how in the beginning, God had already made us MALE and FEMALE. He did this according to His plan and he created male and female to be unified through the bonds of marriage and to reproduce. However, in this ‘post-modern’ world, humans have turned against God’s intention and introduced the concept of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) which encourages same-sex attractions as well as gender transformations. In this era, experiencing a feeling of attraction to someone of the same gender or ‘changing’ your gender is supported. There even emerges the ‘Q+’ section of LGBT, which is the genderqueer, people who think they fit into neither gender or ‘have their own gender’.

Some countries around the world have already supported this movement and even legalized it. The country I live in, Australia, legalized the LGBTQ+ movement and same-sex marriage in 2017. Since then, there has been a spike in the number of people, among which are also teenagers, who have identified themselves as gay or transgender. Statistics show as of 2020, 4.6% of teenagers in Australia identified themselves as being gay (The Australian’s Women’s Weekly).

God created men and women to be equal, but different vs feminism
“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’” (Genesis 2:18-ESV)

God created Adam and thought it was not good for him to be alone. So He created Eve, a woman, as a helper for Adam. Both men and women have their unique strengths and weaknesses, perfectly planned by God to complement one another. They are made different, but equal, with neither gender dominating over the other. 

Unfortunately, because men fell into sin, not fulfilling their calling and abusing their position, the problem of gender inequality came about. More and more, women are being looked down upon and not given the same opportunities as men are. They have also become more susceptible to violence and rapings, and soon a community of women grouped together to embark on the journey of feminism. Being as sinful as the men, this movement became a battle between the two genders, with women trying to prove themselves better than men, rather than to seek biblical equality. 

We are unworthy of His grace vs newly defined human rights
“One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God?“Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’” Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?” (Romans 9:19-21-NIV)

No man is worthy to deserve God’s great grace, His never-ending mercies, and His ultimate salvation. It is wrong to think we have anything in us that is excellent or entitled to this treatment. Only those who have seen God’s goodness and glory will realise that we are nothing. Of course, it does not mean that we are not granted basic ‘human rights’, but it means that we should not have radical thoughts of freedom in the name of human rights. God is our potter and we are the clay, what right do we have to go against God’s design for us and choose our own description of identity? 


Teens are often labeled as ignorant and self-centered human beings. The biological explanation for this behavior is due to our developing brain (ie. brain under constructions). We are still lacking awareness, thus often misjudge the seriousness of the situations and our abilities to handle them. Ignorance, however, is not bliss and very dangerous in this current era we live in now. 

A book that I’ve recently been reading – Teen Brain by David Gillespie states that our brains grow both in volume and maturity, starting from the third week of gestation and finishes when we are around 25 years of age. In our early childhood years, our brain is only starting to navigate spatial orientation, coordination, attention speech, and languages. In the teenage years, the brain then finishes impulse control, decision-making, and social skills; the crucial stage where we form the foundations of skills used for later in life. 

Coincidently it is also the stage when we are trying to find our real identity. In this time span, the things around us will have the most impact on our brains, shaping the majority of our values, morals, and beliefs. They will influence how we make our life choices that will shape our future. Hence why it is vital for us to be certain not to get polluted by the world’s crooked ideologies that will falsely dictate us.

We need to live with eternity in view. We need to think of the consequences of every choice we make. We need to make that right choice and avoid any evil temptations at all costs. No one can make that choice for you. Only your faith, your prayer, and your determination to be obedient to God can guide you to make the right choice. Equip yourself with the TRUTH of the Word of God. Hold tight and get dependent on it. Let it crush your heart and change your life to enable you to be who God has created you to be (your identity) and to fulfill your purpose according to His will.

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3-ESV)

As the culture of the world feeds us with wrong philosophy and ideology about who we are, remember that no matter how true it looks or sounds, as long as it doesn’t align with the Scripture then we ought to believe it is a lie. The word of God is the ultimate truth and should form the basis of our ideology and identity. 

So the next time I get the ‘WHO ARE YOU’ question, my answer will be:

I am a daughter of God, fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. I am shaped by His own hands from dust and breathed the breath of life. I am made in the image of God, with a purpose that is to glorify Him. I am also a sinful human that goes against my Creator, but because of His love, He redeemed me through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross.

Growing Pains

Today marks the start of the second week of school.
How was your first week? 

Some of you may be relieved that you are no longer stuck at home and super excited to see all your friends again. Some of you might still feel nervous about making new friends in your new class (or new school!) and adjusting with new timetables and meeting all the school requirements. We all (including adults and kids) are also cautious, waiting to see this pandemic’s development praying this year will be better than the last. 

Personally, I’m just thankful that school has gone back to how we know it before quarantine although I am still sad that I am no longer in the same class as my small group of friends from last year. My inbox is also currently filling up with emails from school teachers, listing down their expectations and requirements needed from the students. Not to mention all the information regarding extracurricular activities and competitions to choose from such as Debating, Dance, Da Vinci Decathlon to name a few. 

As we venture into the new school year, I have a few things in mind to share; things that I learnt from weekly sermons and the retreat that I find useful. I hope that they can help us to sail through the year better as growing Christian teens. 

  1. Know yourself

Last year, for one of my art school assignments, we were asked to write a reflective paragraph about who we are using creative text sizes, colours and fonts. We were then asked to tear it down, only to rearrange it in a different way. Before I knew and without my permission, ‘Ms. Perfectionist’ (or let’s call her Ms P) who lived in me, decided to take charge of the task. She started to measure and draw lines on the paper and took the scissors to cut it nicely into identical-sized squares when most of my other friends just casually and randomly tore theirs. Ms P went to the extent and planned for me to rearrange those pieces into specific arrangements, rainbow colour coded! Perfect! 

Do you know yourself? Most of your answers would be YES. But do you really
I learnt that one of the biggest human problems is that we don’t really know ourselves! 

Are you aware that your ‘personality’ will significantly impact your thoughts, how you process things and how you perceive things; it will then affect your emotions, how you react to certain things and flow into your actions, how you deal with these things. So it is vital to really know yourself.

We are all created uniquely by God, with different personalities, strengths and weaknesses. 

For me, I like to do things in a structured manner, and I like to prepare things in advance. I don’t like failure, thus always trying hard to achieve the best results. Being an introvert who doesn’t talk that much and is not so good with meeting new people, I always try to stick with familiar faces (friends) and unconsciously try to make them feel comfortable. 

I remember the lesson I learnt from the retreat. “SIN takes healthy desires meant to serve us, and turns them into unhealthy obsessions that make us slaves.” I need to acknowledge this in order to understand the pitfall it creates for me. I am prone to the obsession with study and competition to serve my desire to achieve the best results, also trying to be someone everyone likes, to ‘please’ my friends so that they stick with me. Do you see it now? Be it your strengths or weaknesses can ‘turn on you and destroy you’ if you fail to recognise and acknowledge your sinful nature.

My personality, worries and struggles might be different from yours. But the same God that created us and loved us has given all these for our good. He wants the best for us, that is, to be more and more like Him and fulfil His purpose to bring Him glory. So take time to really know yourself as the very first step of growing. 

  1. The BIG W

Recently, I have found myself in a pool of choices to make and school requirements and responsibilities to meet. What language class to choose, what extracurricular activities I should join, what to do with the super long ‘to-do list’, etc.

These are choices you’ll have, often difficult to make. It is not about which one is right and which is wrong, but it is more about choosing the best option out of the ‘right’ ones.
HOW do we choose then? 


This was a topic discussed in Morning Devotions during our Teens retreat. 

So what exactly is wisdom?
Wisdom is knowing what the greatest goal is in any situation and the best way to achieve it. Unlike knowledge, wisdom cannot be learned and can only be given by God. But you need knowledge to exercise wisdom. In other words it’s knowing the right and best things to do with the knowledge you have.

How can I get it then? The only way is to receive it from GOD- keep praying to Him to give you wisdom, and for adequate knowledge to be able to exercise it. 

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (James 1:5 – NIV)

To get the knowledge needed, we need to actively train ourselves to meditate and learn from the word of God daily (as written in the devotion on Jan. 28). So that when you are facing life’s many choices, you will be able to choose wisely according to the true knowledge. 

  1.  Love and Grace

Let me tell you the ending story of Ms P, who took charge of my school Art project.

The moment I was about to finish doing what she told me, I realised that her plan didn’t work as it should have! I had a few pieces left in my hand that could not match the colour code she requested and still had a few empty spots to fill in! IT WAS NOT PERFECT!

I’m sure it has also happened to most of us from time to time. We plan, we try our best, yet, the result is not what we wanted it to be. 

Now, we are all learning to fix our eyes on God and be more like Him. Is this benchmark rather impossible to reach? He is the ultimate PERFECTION!

Do not fret! His grace alone is enough for us.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
(2 Corinthians 12:9 – ESV)

There is no such thing as a life without problems. Our lives are full of ups and downs, and sometimes it can get too overwhelming for us, be it in our daily life and our spiritual life. The cause for this feeling does not lie in the problems of life itself, but with how we choose to deal with them. 

Naturally, we feel good when we have our lives ‘under control’, but sometimes, it is beyond our capabilities. It is actually part of God’s providence for us, to allow us to experience downfalls in our lives so that we may come to HIM again, learning once again to rely on HIM. It is HIS way to make us get closer to HIM so that we can become more like HIM. It is a blessing given to us as a fruit of HIS love for us, the same love as a father who delights in his son. 

The definition of ‘blessing’ for God is totally different from ours. For us, we think that a blessing from God means receiving what we desire when we desire it. But for God, He focuses more on the long-term than short-term. His providence is according to His pre-set plan for us. In His time, He will mould our temporal (physical) wellbeing to ensure we receive eternal and spiritual wellbeing. 

So, next time there is something in your life that doesn’t turn out how you want it to, remember that this may be God’s blessing- even though it might not seem like it. 

Let us ask the Lord to hold our hand while we walk in the path of discovering ourselves, and to know HIM more as our Creator. Ask for the wisdom to enable us to make the best decision in all the choices we face, and set our eyes on HIM throughout this year. Ask HIM to open our spiritual eyes to HIS providence throughout all areas of our lives and to grow more as Christian teens. 

Joanne Soviner (14) is one of the writers and designers for RE Generation-Z. She strives to share God’s love and grace she has received and the truth she is learning with other teens. She enjoys dancing, bullet journalling, and learning new languages.

What Lies Beneath

“I want to be smart.
I want to look good.
I want to ‘fit in’. I want to have many friends.
I want to be happy & successful.”

What’s wrong with being smart? Isn’t it right for us to always strive for the best and try to be the ‘cream of the crop’?

What’s wrong with being pretty? Is there any wrong in trying to be prettier or in following current trends?

Is it wrong to have many friends, to ‘fit in’ and to be popular? It is our human nature (given by God) to long for love and acceptance from others.

How can trusting and following my heart be wrong? Don’t you always see inspirational quotes that say, “Follow your heart, do the things that make you happy”?

Remember this: Lies from Satan always begin in the form of a question, injected into your heart.

Satan is still using his old trick. He deceives with questions, just like how he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden and made her question herself and God. Thus, the bible gives us a warning; “the heart is deceitful above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9—ESV)


I was born and spent my first ten formative years of life in a country where competition was truly encouraged, worldly achievement was highly praised and compensated, and ‘success’ was really the ultimate goal of life. Starting from early primary school, I can remember my cohort being segregated into different classes based on our ‘ability’. We were separated into best class (for students ranked 1-40), second-best class (for the 41st to the 80th), and the rest were just called “mixed ability classes.”

At around the age of nine, we had worn our ‘label’ in school every day. Before migrating to Australia at the end of year four, the school decided to adjust the system and merge those two best classes. Instead of having the top forty students in the best class and the next forty in the second-best class, the top eighty students were randomly divided into two classes. I vividly remember all the negative reactions from my classmates. With anger, frustration and sadness, they exclaimed, “This is not fair! We have worked so hard to maintain our rank to be in the best class, and now some of us would get ‘downgraded’ to the second-best class?” At that time, I said to myself, “Lucky me, I don’t need to experience the feeling of being ‘downgraded’!” 

After spending most of my childhood in such an environment, I became a high-achiever, aiming for nothing but the best in many areas of my life. 

Even though it is not totally a bad thing, I am reminded once again of the deadly catch it may bring. If we start to place our success and other worldly things as the foundation of our self-worth, we are surely setting ourselves on the path of disappointment. As children of God, we have been ‘set apart’ from the people of this world, and our self-worth should not be built on things of this world. Instead, we should have God as the one and only solid foundation. 

This was one of the lies that I somehow believed – what a timely reminder for me. My values were determined by what I could achieve in my study life. Yes, it is unavoidable to have society (i.e. school) put numbers and ranks on me. But my real value is not determined by the label people put on me or by what I do; instead, my value is determined by how God views me (Ev. Sariwati). 


I am convinced that all of us (including me) have social media accounts. Let me ask you. Is the way you view yourself significantly impacted by how many friends you have on Facebook or Snapchat, how many subscribers you have on YouTube, how many likes you have on your Instagram post or how many of your Tik Toks went viral? If the answer is somewhat yes, you are – like many other teens – bound in Satan’s trap. 

In many surveys conducted worldwide, about 90% of teens aged 13-17 use social media platforms and more than 50% use more than one. Our generation, known as Generation Z (Gen Z) are ‘screenagers’. As the name suggests, this age has people spending most of their lives in front of a screen. The usage of technology and social media comes so naturally to us, and it has become part of our lives. Unconsciously, we have developed ‘nomophobia’, shortened from ‘no mobile phone phobia’. A phobia where we feel anxious or stressed when we do not have our mobile phones with us.

Before we know it, social media will start controlling our emotions, thoughts and life! The initial intentions to use social media as a platform to connect with friends will turn into an uncontrollable desire to be famous, to be liked and accepted by the community. It will turn into a competition among peers about who is better-looking, and more popular. Social media is greatly used as an effective tool by Satan to deceive you. Do you find it scary how a number of likes on a certain post can make you be on cloud nine and a single hate comment can impact the rest of your life?

So how can we equip ourselves to not fall into this trap? 

These are things I learned from Rev. Agus Marjanto and Ev. Sariwati from the retreat:  

  1. We should never entrust our hearts to social media and let it control our emotions. Rather, “trust in the Lord with all your heart” (Proverbs 3:5-6—ESV).
  2. Do not believe that our outer appearance is worth more than our inner. Our physical beauty is only temporary (1 Peter 3:3-6—ESV), and the beauty that matters the most to God is our inner beauty (Jeremiah 9:23-24—ESV).
  3. Make sure that our activity on social media is right and brings glory to God. Remember, social media itself is not evil, but people with wrong and evil motivation brought together will make it evil. 
  4. The relationships we have on social media are just virtual relationships and communication. What we really need is communion that can only be obtained offline. Communication is simply sharing opinions, but communion goes deeper to share life with others. Communion is only found in a church among believers who share the same faith. So seek to find a Christian-based group of faith where you can experience communion, hold one another accountable and encourage one another to live a holy life. 


If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” (John 15:18-19—NIV) 

Being a Christian living in this generation can be hard. I have had experiences where my friends invited me to hang out with them – on a Sunday. I told them that I could not come as I had to go to church. Most friends would just let the situation brush past them, or some even are willing to reschedule for my sake. However, a few of them would pose questions like, ‘Why do you need to go to church anyway? Can’t you just skip it this week? Just this once?’ 

In our community, we often feel like we can’t ‘fit in’. It is true, we can’t fit in and we shouldn’t because we can’t love God and the world at the same time, and there is NO middle ground. God calls us to give Him our all; or nothing at all. 

During the teens retreat Q&A session, I asked this question to clear up my confusion about being Christians in the world:

Christians are often disliked by people of the world. But if they despise us, doesn’t this disadvantage us when we are trying to spread the gospel to them? 

Here is the answer from Rev. Agus:
We are all in this world, but we don’t belong to the world. In all relationships, both parties will influence one another – either good or bad. This applies to our relationships with worldly people. They influence us, and likewise, we must also influence them. In fact, there is no disadvantage at all. When things are smooth-sailing, they might judge our way of living or dislike us. However, once trouble strikes, the people of the world will realize and come to find the righteous, true of heart, holy, honest and one that demonstrates love and holds onto the truth. 

It reminds me of the story of Noah. What did the people around him do to him when he obeyed God and did exactly as told? They mocked him, laughed at him and called him crazy; until it started to rain.

When we are sharing the gospel to our worldly friends, they might reject us in the beginning. Do not be anxious if they reject you, instead pray to God to ask for His help and the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts to enable them to accept Christ. Definitely do not conform to the ways of worldly people in order to gain their attention and approval. 

Scripture alone is absolute truth, essential truth, decisive truth, authoritative truth, undiluted truth, eternal, everlasting truth.
Charles Spurgeon

Joanne Soviner (14) is one of the writers and designers for RE Generation-Z. She strives to share God’s love and grace she has received and the truth she is learning with other teens. She enjoys dancing, bullet journalling, and learning new languages.

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