Today’s society is pushing us further and further away from God and into sin’s hands. Why is it so hard to depart from such a sinful life and walk towards a godly one? How can we devote our lives to God?

What does it mean?

Devoting our life is giving our whole life to God in order to glorify Him and exalt His name. We give our time, our talents, and our whole hearts for Him. Basically, it means we become his children. 

Now I’m sure you’ve noticed that this Christian lifestyle is very different from how most people in this world live. They are children of the world, who live for themselves and are under evil (1 John 5:19). 

Not of the World

A big problem is that many people around us, maybe school friends or social media influencers, advocate for things that are ungodly. With the rise of such supporters, especially in our everyday lives, it can seem like we are alone or the odd one out. 

Oftentimes, I find it hard to invite my friends to a church event because the response is usually an excuse or ignoring the invitation, and I worried they would judge me. In those moments, I felt really alone, as if being a Christian was something weird. I felt pressured to be “normal.” 

But God has called us to bring the Kingdom of God into this world and so we must devote our lives to Him. How can we achieve a devoted life?

Devoting our lives for God

  • We must start with prayer and studying the Bible 

We have to build a relationship with God. Through this, we learn who our master is, how we are not alone, because He is always with us and everything he has revealed to us through His Word we can learn.

  • Applicating this into our everyday lives

Devoting our lives to God isn’t merely about the significant changes, but starting out with our daily lives. We can do this by obeying our parents, slowly sharing the Gospel to your friends or inviting them to church events.

  • Finding a Christian community

Finding a Christian community is important because we are always surrounded by people of the world. Being in a godly community allows you to grow spiritually and, together, serve God.

Karina Suryatenggara (14) is a writer for RE Generation-Z. Through her writing, she hopes that many teens as well as herself can grow spiritually and draw closer to God. She enjoys cooking, eating and catching up on the many books her friends recommend.

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