Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 12
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)
God’s will for the church is mission. God wills that His church continues the Great Commission to make His kingdom known to the ends of the earth. And in this mission, we all take part with our different gifts and abilities.
The Holy Spirit does not only empower the preachers who preach or the leaders who lead. The same Spirit who empowers them also empowers each of us according to the gifts He has given us. What gifts has God given you?
How can you partake in God’s mission for His church? Some speak out the front. Others plan and administrate things behind the scenes. Others are skilled in particular activities. What are your talents, and how can you use them in God’s mission to God’s glory?
A gift we all have at this moment is the strength of our youth (see Proverbs 20:29). Although we may lack in wisdom, our strength guided by wiser mentors above us is a mighty tool to be utilised for God’s kingdom now. As youth, we are built to work hard. We have the strength to serve God with all our time and energy. But, have we surrendered the strength of our youth to Christ?
When we use all the particular gifts God has given to each of us, the body of Christ is most effective in doing God’s will — mission. When we work together, like the human body, we can function in sync to reach out to souls who need to know about Christ. We can be salt and light to the world.
The world out there unites to commit evils and live in sin. They form large corporations for the greed of money. They parade in the multitudes to normalise free sex and God-dishonouring lifestyles. They band together to uphold evil and diminish righteousness.
Have we united our gifts and abilities to fight Satan and his evil plans? In the body of Christ, we are secure because Christ is our head. He is the forerunner who has won the battle. In His strength, we can move forward as one body. By the anointing of one Spirit, we are empowered to serve God for His mission according to the variety of gifts that God has given us. Have you joined this cosmic war effort?
Lord, please refine our gifts and abilities for the body of Christ and, ultimately, Your kingdom and Your glory. Teach us to surrender all our potential into Your hands. Teach us to start obeying You in the little things and giving everything of ourselves to You — our gifts, time, strength and youth. We ask for Your mercy. May Your Spirit empower all of us. In Jesus’ name, amen.