RE Generation

The Spirit Who Works

Bible Reading: Acts 10:34-48

“While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word” (Acts 10:44)

Often after revival meetings and significant moments in our walk of faith, we have an unquenchable zeal to spread God’s Word. This is wonderful, of course. However, we must return to understand the basic concepts of ministry. 

The success of ministry and gospel-sharing has nothing to do with us. It does not matter how eloquent we are or how planned our marketing strategies are. Ministry and the advancement of God’s Kingdom boils down to one thing; the Spirit who works. 

Let’s take a step back to see the whole picture. 

God has a grand plan to restore His sinful world into one that once again worships and glorifies Him. This is not an egotistical goal. It is a wondrous end because God Himself is glorious and worthy of praise; even though our praises cannot add to His glory. On top of that, God knows that our greatest pleasure and contentment comes from glorifying Him and worshipping Him. God loved us so much, and He wanted to give us a second chance at living how He intended we originally lived. 

The crux of God’s plan was to send His only begotten Son to condescend for man to the point of death on a cross, so that man’s sins may be atoned for, and Christ’s righteousness imputed onto believing sinners. This is the good news of God’s plan; God Himself delved into our problem of sin to offer a solution, the only solution that meant the sacrifice of the Son. 

Now, Christ rose again on the third day and appeared to His chosen witnesses. To them, He commanded to bear witness to God’s grand plan of salvation until the ends of the earth. Those who believed in Him would return to God’s Kingdom. In other words, they would return to living the life God had originally intended for man, a life glorifying and enjoying God. 

He also left a promise that He would be coming back, and one day, on His second return, the whole world will be brought under the full Lordship of Christ, and the whole world will have to submit and acknowledge that Christ is the Lord and His ways are right. All who rebelled against Him will be punished as all rightly deserve. However, those who received God’s grace to believe will go and be with God for eternity, worshipping and glorifying Him. In all of this, God will be glorified, and He will accomplish His plan of salvation. 

Here is the thing. All of this is God’s plan. God is working it out bit by bit. It is a marvellous plan, a wondrous plan, and a plan that is beyond our imagination. When we fail to taste and see its goodness, pray that we may behold this glorious vision. 

From age to age, God is continually working through His Spirit to further His Kingdom. The world fails to see, but God is working big things, leading up to the day when He will return. 

Let’s return to the question, where does the success of ministry come from? 

We are not the engineers of God’s plan. We are sinful, broken, selfish human beings who have been given the opportunity of grace and a new life out of God’s lavish love. We are undeserving, unworthy, and unrightfully chosen as God’s people. If God is willing to use us to further His grand plan, it is a great privilege. He could do it much better without us, but He wants us to learn to serve Him and live for Him. 

Our part is simple child-like obedience. It is a humble heart and a willingness always to learn. It is getting up again when we fall, recommitting our hearts to Christ, and humbly learning in His strength to follow Him step by step. Where are you today? 

Lord, thank You for Your grand plan of salvation. Truly Your love is great and marvellous. I want to obey You, Lord, in fear and trembling. I want to submit to Your ways in child-like obedience. Forgive me, God. You know my failures. Please help me to obey You and to serve You faithfully. I surrender all in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Hans Sangtoki (18) is the coordinator of RE Generation Z. He has a passion for serving his generation and sharing hope in Christ. He also has an interest in classical music and dreams of conducting an orchestra one day.

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