If somebody gave you a gift, and this gift was the best gift you’ve ever gotten, the best gift that you have ever seen, would you not share it with others?
If you ate at a nice restaurant and the food was cheap and excellent, would you not tell people to go to the same place and have the goodness you enjoyed? Would you not share it with others?
God gave you the perfect sacrifice – free salvation for the fate of your eternal soul, His perfect love, and a true internal satisfaction having a relationship with Him. And, all we have to do is declare with our mouth and believe it in our hearts. This is a free but priceless gift. Why aren’t we sharing it with others?
The good news
The gospel is by no doubt the best news we’ve ever heard. Yet, we often tend just to let the goodness of it pass by. This news is far better than the distressing covid daily updates. The Good news is that God died for our sins and rose again. There is no condemnation for those who believe, only eternal joy. The well-known verse John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
To evangelise, you must know the true meaning of this verse, and you must experience it entirely first. You wouldn’t have the urge to evangelise if you don’t truly think that the news is good. You wouldn’t recommend a restaurant to someone if you haven’t even been there yourself. You cannot give a gift that you don’t even have. We must learn to read the Bible more often, not only read it but study the depths of it. Delve into a relationship with God through prayer and knowing of Him.
You may be scared
My question to you is: what are you scared of? Think about that deeply. You might be scared to lose your reputation, to be rejected, to be downcasted. But really, all those reasons are based on you. Those thoughts are selfish; you are trying to serve God by spreading the gift you have received. You shouldn’t fear these things; we must know that we are not doing this for us before we can evangelise. It’s for others and His Kingdom. If people reject your efforts, you aren’t the one being rejected. They are rejecting God, and they will have to deal with it for the rest of eternity.
Usually, there are these three things that stop us from sharing the Word. (1) We doubt our confidence in the truth. (2) We lack love for others and God. (3) We don’t have the courage to go against unbelievers.
Suppose you doubt the truth that you are proclaiming to others, only believing it half-heartedly. That will not work. You must believe and know the truth for yourself.
If you love someone, you will want them to hear the good news as well, right? You would like them to have the opportunity to be saved and have the blessings and the special grace that God gives to all His children. The problem is our lack of affection for others which leaves us unmoved to share the Word.
You might be scared to lose your reputation or to be rejected. But, let me assure you; all these reasons are resolved when you put God at the centre of everything.
If you have experienced the goodness and the fullness of Christ, there is no way you will doubt it. You still may reject it because of your stubborn heart, but no longer will you doubt it. And if you want to accept the truth, then you will know and be confident in the truth that you believe.
It’s the same. If you have experienced Christ’s glory, then you will learn to love Him. And from His love, love to others will flow. You would want to share the goodness of his blessings with the people around you.
If your life is centred around Christ, you would not be scared because you are no longer worried about yourself. You are no longer concerned about your self-image or reputation. You will also realise that the call to evangelise is not for yourself; it is for God and His Kingdom in heaven.
Where do we start?
Evangelising is not always going to the most primitive countries in the middle of nowhere and sharing the gospel in gruelling conditions. Evangelising is preaching the gospel or spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Evangelising can simply be talking to family or friends about God or bringing your friends to church. There are thousands of ways that you can get the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. It’s a call to all Christ’s children to share the gospel with everyone, to all nations.
So together as one church, as one great body of Christ, may we share the gospel to those who need it, to all those around us and those afar. Some of you may be called to be missionaries dedicating your whole lives to sharing the gospel. Some of you may be called to be street evangelists. Some of you may be called to be a witness sharing the gospel to those around you. But I can assure you that all children of God have a calling to evangelise. So it’s just up to us to take that calling up.
Ask God for help
We cannot do this alone. We must pray. Man’s strength alone can do nothing. Only by the grace of God can we preach to others. It is through His love that we can love. It is by His power that we are enabled to share. May we realise the calling that we have received, take it up and share the gospel.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20
I hope that this encouragement can move people to share the gospel. Through the ministry that God has allowed me to be a part of, I pray that I may be a blessing to others and may bring glory to Him.