RE Generation

Setting Our Upward Gaze

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:1-4

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” (Colossians 3:1)

In our day to day lives, it is too often that the world’s desires lure us in. These desires may not necessarily be wrong or sinful, yet they take our gaze away from our source of Life. Our hearts are deceitful, and we even take seemingly “righteous” things to become our idols. Spending time with family can be an idol. Caring for your friends can be an idol. Serving in church and busying yourself with ministry can be an idol. We do all these things in the name of the gospel, yet we miss the point, and our eyes are pulled aside. When we realise our sins and our stubborn old ways, turn back to God and once again set our heart to gaze heavenward and heavenward alone. 

To gaze heavenward firstly means to set our hearts, wills, and minds to look and desire for none other than God Himself. We often seek God’s blessings. Rarely do we yearn to savour the glory and beauty of the Blesser, the source of abundant life. How are we to do this? Look to Christ in whom “all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” (Colossians 1:19). The only reason you and I can set our eyes heavenward is because of Christ’s prior work in our life. 

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above” (Colossians 3:1). 

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:2-3)

We are sinful and rebellious human beings. Yet, God has shown His love to us on the cross. He knows us deeply for who we actually are. Do we know Him? Do we comprehend what He has done for us? Do we know the immense love He has poured out for us? God wants a relationship with you. He wants to reveal Himself to you. He has done so by sending Christ into the world. How serious are you to leave behind this world and get to know your Creator, your Saviour, your God who is revealed in the Holy Scriptures? Set your gaze heavenward. Set your gaze to know the One who is above. As Psalm 1:1-2 recalls, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

As we grow to know our Creator and Saviour, we will grow to understand His intent for our lives and His intent for the creation of the universe. We will grow to wonder at His mighty plan of redemption, and his glorious grace, which He continues to pour out for humankind. From eternity past, God has been working to redeem His creation and return His creation under His kingship. This in itself is a magnificent display of His love which we will only be able to understand as we grow to savour His Word. 

After Christ ascended, God sent the Holy Spirit to renew hearts and return people into His kingdom. The Holy Spirit works by making Jesus known through the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit worked in people like Paul and the Apostles to spread God’s Word. The Holy Spirit is still working today. He still uses His people to spread His Kingdom, and He is just as alive as He was in the book of Acts and the early church. We must mourn at our own stubbornness and ignorance to miss this amazing truth. 

The Bible and all its content are very much relevant today because God is still actively working out His master plan. He longs to use you and me as lifelong servants of His grand plan of redemption. Set your eyes upward! Set your gaze upon God’s mighty work and plan! Why are our eyes still in the dirt? Why do we stare blankly at our shoes? God’s plan is great, and we are in it. Take your eyes off the world and look towards our loving Master, who has magnificent plans for His glory.

Lord, please forgive me when I fail to look at You. As Jonathan Edward says, “stamp my eyeballs with eternity”. Do not let my life be wasted gazing aimlessly at the things of this world. Let me gaze upon your cross. Let me gaze upon Jesus, in whom You have revealed the fullness of Yourself. Let me know You! Lord, also, have mercy on me and allow me to see Your grand plan of redemption. Let me see Your glory in it and take captive my life to run straight as Your lifelong servant. Use me in the grand scheme of Your Kingdom, let me know and see Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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