RE Generation

Prayer Newsletter October Week 4

photo of nimbus clouds

Pray For Earnestness

Earnestness is the antonym of sluggishness. Too many of us are earnest for everything from hobbies to ministry, but who is earnest to seek God, know Him, and find our fullest assurance in Him? Hebrews 6:11-12 says, “And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Pray that our hearts and the hearts of this RE Generation-Z community may be stirred unto earnestness to seek God.

Pray For Your School Friends

Notice those around you every day. They all need to not only know of Christ but know Him personally as their Lord and Saviour. In our words and action, we can only merely make people know of Christ. For one to know Christ personally demands a divine miracle of the Holy Spirit. Name your friends in prayer to God. Ask that God opens their hearts to see Him and grow in Him. Pray that God may strengthen us to be a witness in all that we do and say at school.

Pray For Missions

Souls around the whole world need the gospel. Continue to pray to missionaries who are serving worldwide for the gospel to be spread to the corners of the world. Pray for a burden that cares about missions. There are many good articles and stories to be found at Heart Cry Missionary Society.

Hans Sangtoki (18) is the coordinator of RE Generation Z. He has a passion for serving his generation and sharing hope in Christ. He also has an interest in classical music and dreams of conducting an orchestra one day.

RE Gen Convention

Join us at RE Gen Con, the annual convention where teenagers come together for 4 days to delve into God’s Word and build lifelong friendships.

RE Gen Study Centre

Free study space and affordable tuition for high schoolers from Y7 to Y12 who wants to excel academically and learn together.

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