RE Generation

Our “I Don’t Care” Generation

woman walking in the street during night time

Bible Reading: Revelation 3:14-22

“I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16)

Our generation is an “I don’t care” generation. We do not care about what is true. We do not care about the meaning of our lives. Our slogan is, “you only live once”, and so we ignore anything important and turn to find temporary fun. At the moment, it seems good, yet we are far from the truth. 

Teenagers in the past grew up in harder times than ours. They never enjoyed the luxury of free wifi and instant communication through social media, not to talk about air-conditioned homes and a peaceful city. Not many were born into much wealth. From a young age, they would have had to face the reality of life. They needed to earn money for their family to survive. Others were born in times of war or plagues. As a result, children became adults as soon as they turned thirteen and fourteen. They became serious about life, searching for things that really mattered. 

Our generation has come to a serious decline. There is so much more potential and opportunity in our time, yet we still act like children. We are ignorant of the truth. We do not care to seek what is right. We think playing around and seeking temporary pleasure is all there is to life. 

Revelation 3:17 says, “For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realising that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked”. 

How this is true to our generation. We think we are rich. We believe that our lives are prosperous. We think we have all we will ever need to enjoy this life. However, as a result, we are wretched, devoid of spiritual truth and true meaning for life. Look at the stats, and you will see how our generation is slowly leaving the church. Lukewarmness has become ours. We neither reject God nor follow Him. We simply don’t care. 

Such apathy is despicable to God! It brings Him to spit people out. In the original language, it talks about puking someone out. Lukewarmness is a disgust because sitting on the fence doesn’t exist in reality. When we don’t care, we are rejecting God and His truth. 

God calls His church to repent. “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent” (Revelation 3:19). Who amongst us will obey His call? We were not made for apathy. We were made for a purposeful relationship with God. God has a great plan to reveal to humankind His grace. He has a wondrous plan to renew sinful people into His servants who work and serve Him. The life Christ offers is full of purpose and meaning we could never realise. 

We were created to love God and be zealous for Him in radical obedience. We were created to serve God with all we have and then to wonder at His grace which wonderfully works in us. The Christian life is dynamic, full of joy and full of meaning. However, by no means is it easy. The call is repentance. The call is to get off the fence and side with Christ. That means sin becomes your enemy. The devil’s pleasurable lures can no longer be ours. We come soldiers for the truth. Yet, in the end, to the Christian, there will be victory because Christ has conquered death and the evil one. 

Who will surrender themselves to follow Christ? God is faithful to His remnant throughout all generations. If He is calling, do not reject. It is the greatest privilege one could ever have. 

Lord, please forgive us for our lukewarmness. Give us a pure and holy zeal to love You and obey You. Teach us what it means to truly live for You. Even though the world goes against us, teach us to stand firm as Your soldiers. Teach us to fight for Your truth. May You continue to guide us and lead us. We are Your people, and You are our God. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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