Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:17-24
“Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him.” (1 Corinthians 7:17)
One of the hardest things to grapple with is our desires and God’s calling. We have desires and plans for what we want to do right now and in the future. Currently, we want to laze off and watch Netflix all day. We want to spend all day with our friends. We don’t want to study; we don’t want to serve. God calls us to obey Him now in our context as students, but our desires are misaligned.
In the future, we want a promising career, a happy family. But what if those things are not God’s calling? What if He has plans to use us to serve Him in other ways that do not come with a suburban family home and ample cash income? What if His plan is singleness in a jungle hut with just enough money to make ends meet for the sake of His gospel?
Everyone’s callings are different, and I am not saying that missionary life is better than family life in a suburban home. Both have significant callings and duties to complete for the sake of God’s kingdom. The local church needs suburban families who will nurture and serve the local community, equipping them to grow in the Word. Rural tribes need single missionaries focused on the dangerous task of bringing the gospel to unreached people groups.
In both cases, God is leading. Yet, where does God call you? And where does He call you right here and now? Do we grumble at our life context as students? Do we neglect our studies or our responsibilities at home? Do we wish we were someone else in a different place and time? God calls us to live the life He has assigned us to.
In this manner, we grow to understand that God is particularly leading us and with us. He teaches us that He is our shepherd, and apart from Him, we can have no want. He guides us and shows us that He is all-satisfying and all good. He reveals that His plans for us personally are perfect and beautiful.
God also is teaching us to trust Him. We might think that a life following our desires would be more fulfilling than following God’s. Yet, He is teaching us to know that His plans are not ours, and they are far more excellent than the best of our imagination.
Will we learn to walk with Him? Daily obedience is always a struggle, but it is worth the undertaking.
Lord, help us to live the lives to which we have been called here and now. Help us to also trust Your calling for the future. You know what is best for us more than we know ourselves. Strengthen us to obey You daily and follow where You have called. Keep our eyes fixed on Christ and the mission He has appointed to us to serve Him and spread the gospel to all nations. Have mercy on us. In Jesus’ name, amen.