Bible Reading: Genesis 1 – 2:3
“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day,” (Genesis 1:31)
At times, we feel life is mundane, or worse, troublesome and full of suffering. Things are not always right, we sin a lot, and we feel dry towards God. We are not following God as we ought to be, and the evilness of this world seems to be overcoming us at every turn. What is our response in times like these?
It is easy to blame God and question, why would a good God give us suffering? Or, if God is good, why is life so empty like it seems today? It is easier for us to question God’s goodness than to trust in it.
But, Genesis 1 continually repeats how God created this world and made it good. There was no evil or defect in it. The world was created for our good, and the creation of humans themselves God called “very good”. Our God is good. His character does not change, and He is still good today. The question is whether we want to trust Him or not. If we don’t want to trust Him, we will throw every logical thought at trying to prove that God is not good with all the suffering around us. But, if we want to trust Him, we let these seemingly illogical circumstances sit and wait patiently for God to answer them.
Sin is a complex issue, and it is because of sin that the world is cursed. Because of sin, there is enmity between the devil and man. There is a pain in childbearing and unsettled households. Moreover, man will have to toil hard to receive a little in return only to survive before dying and returning to the ground. Worst of all, sinners are cast out of the presence of God, who is good. Thinking we knew better, we decided to rule the world our own way instead of God’s way. The result is the world we see today. In some sense, the world is wonderful because the civilisation we have created reflects God’s creativity and His image placed in man. But, the world is also pitiful because of the suffering, injustice and evil that happens constantly all around us. This is all the result of humankind leaving God.
The world is not good because we are not good. But, God is good and always good. Why do we blame Him for our own mess? We deserve His wrath for what we have done. But, God is still good and has compassion for His people. The good God promised from Genesis that man’s offspring would bruise the serpent’s head. This points to Jesus, who overcame death and evil on the cross.
The promise of Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose”, applies to all those who will return to God and trust that He is good and that His ultimate goodness was shown on the cross where Son of God was crucified as an atonement for our sins. So let us learn to trust in God’s goodness.
Lord, when things are complex, unexplainable or just mundane, please let us trust that You are good. Teach us Your good ways and lead us to follow them. Purge us from sin and keep us from unholy ways. Thank You that You are always good and that Your ways are always the best for us. Help us to follow what You have planned for us joyfully. In Jesus’ name, amen.