Bible Reading: Psalm 139

“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you.” (Psalm 139:17-18)

Those who enjoy God are those who walk with God. They delight in spending time with God, admiring who God is and what God has done for them. See how David talks to the Lord. His words are intimate and full of wonder for God. He enjoys knowing God and being in His presence. Are these attitudes present in our lives? Do we enjoy God? 

David also acknowledges that there are wicked people who do not enjoy God and would rather actively rebel against Him. David prays that the evil will receive justice and that he would not be counted with them. However, in all this, David asks God, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try my and know my thoughts! And see if there by any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (Psalm 139:23-24). 

David knows that there are many hidden evils in his own heart. Yet, he openly invites God to seek his deepest secrets and lead him to the right path. Those who enjoy God long for holiness. They long to please God with their whole lives inside and out. They do not want to displease God by crooked ways in their heart. They are open for correction and long to like in the way everlasting. Are these attitudes present in our hearts? Do we long to live lives that please God inside and out? 

May this Puritan prayer be ours:

God Enjoyed


Known, but beyond knowledge,

        revealed, but unrevealed,

        my wants and welfare draw me to thee,

  for thou hast never said, ‘Seek ye me in vain’.

To thee I come in my difficulties, necessities,


  possess me with thyself,

    with a spirit of grace and supplication,

    with a prayerful attitude of mind,

    with access into warmth of fellowship,

  so that in the ordinary concerns of life

    my thoughts and desires may rise to thee,

  and in habitual devotion I may find a resource

    that will soothe my sorrows,

    sanctify my successes,

    and qualify me in all ways for dealings

    with my fellow men.

I bless thee that thou hast made me capable

  of knowing thee, the author of all being,

  of resembling thee, the perfection of all excellency,

  of enjoying thee, the source of all happiness.

O God, attend me in every part of my arduous

    and trying pilgrimage;

  I need the same counsel, defence, comfort

    I found at my beginning.

Let my religion be more obvious to my conscience,

  more perceptible to those around.

While Jesus is representing me in heaven,

  may I reflect him on earth,

While he pleads my cause, may I show forth

  his praise.

Continue the gentleness of thy goodness

  towards me,

And whether I wake or sleep, let thy presence

    go with me,

  thy blessing attend me.

Thou hast led me on and I have found thy

    promises true,

I have been sorrowful, but thou hast been my help,

  fearful, but thou hast delivered me,

  despairing, but thou hast lifted me up.

Thy vows are ever upon me,

  And I praise thee, O God.

Hans Sangtoki (18) is the coordinator of RE Generation Z. He has a passion for serving his generation and sharing hope in Christ. He also has an interest in classical music and dreams of conducting an orchestra one day.

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