Bible Reading: Psalm 119:57-64
“The LORD is my portion; I promise to keep your words. I entreat your favour with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise.” (Psalm 119:57-58)
How many of us desire to call God our portion? How many of us desire to know Him better? We all want God to be everything in our lives. We want to follow Him, and we want to serve Him. However, we find ourselves failing, in sin, and astray a lot of the time. What must we do when our faith seems stuck?
The psalmist here humbly turns to God, asking God to remember His promise of faithfulness to His people, and prays earnestly to learn from God’s Word. The one thing that can change our lives is the working of the Spirit through the Word in our hearts. No man can transform themselves from sin to righteousness. It is our responsibility to put sin to death and seek holiness once we have been born again. However, genuine growth will come when the Holy Spirit works in us.
Philippians 2:12b-13 says, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure”. God works to change us from the inside. However, we must earnestly seek God and work out the salvation we have received from Him.
One of the most practical things we can do is to dive deep into God’s Word. God’s Word in the Bible. There are many good devotional books, commentaries, and study guides that are highly recommended. Nonetheless, however, God’s Word is solely the Bible. God’s Words are the words of life. The Spirit works to remind us and illuminate God’s Word. John 14:26 says, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you”.
The Spirit will help us understand God’s Word for our lives. However, we must take the time to read God’s Word. It might not be instant, or it might take some time. However, true spiritual growth comes when we come to know God more through His Word. It’s like a relationship with a friend. You need to go out of your way to listen to them and get to know them. How much more must we take time to know God!
Coming back to the psalmist, he says, “When I think on my ways, I turn my feet to your testimonies”. When the psalmist looks into his own life and sees all his shortcomings and sins, he turns to God’s Word. When we see ourselves and all the problems within us, the only solution is God’s Word. We must hasten to come to God’s Word. It must be a priority in our lives.
More than just seeking, the psalmist comes to God and His Word with a humble and contrite heart. He knows he is broken and wrong and in need of forgiveness. He knows that he needs to be fixed up from the inside out. He prays for God’s mercy and grace and for God to remember His loving promises. So should be our attitude always as we seek God in our lives. We need Him every day. We need to be changed and fixed up from all the wounds of sin we inflicted ourselves with. Only God in His steadfast love can heal us through His Word, which He works out in our lives by the Holy Spirit. Then we will come to know God, and our lives will be changed drastically. Seek God and His Word!
Lord, please teach me Your Word according to Your steadfast love. I want to know You. Humble me and make me realise just how much I am sinful and how much I need You. Forgive me all this time; I have neglected Your Word. Teach me Your ways and give me obedience to Your statutes. In Jesus’ name, amen.