The Battle
We are at war. We are soldiers at war. This war is not like the other wars happening over the world currently, not like the wars happening in Ukraine or Yemen. This war goes beyond our physical bodies; it is a deadly war on our souls. This war is not only between man, but it […]
A Fork In The Road
We can only live one way or another. With, or without God. Two ways to live, and two different paths to walk. So which one do we find ourselves travelling on at this point in our lives? In the midst of a world that so strongly urges us to walk down Satan’s road, we must […]
Keep in Step
What plans do you have for yourself? What do you want to do in university? What career do you want to get into? What do you see yourself doing in the next ten years? Tragically, we are swept up in our self-righteousness — striving to take control of our lives. Have you stopped and asked […]
Do We Still Need A Saviour Today?
In our Christmas Revival Service last year, we learnt that as depraved sinners, we do need a Saviour. Not even tech or scientific advancements can save us – only Christ Jesus, who emptied Himself can unify us once again with the Father.
God and Me
Who or what do you put your faith in? When your world turns upside down, what is it you cling to? In seconds our life could be flipped upside down, and our time on earth could end at any given moment. In times like these, where do we turn to? Where do we seek comfort, […]
Pride: the Universal Disease
At one point or another, we’ve all struggled with pride — myself included. Pride is definitely still a struggle I face at times. From our achievements to our self-image, pride can be hard to spot, and it takes so many different forms. Whether we’d like to admit it or not, we have more pride in […]
The Media We Breathe
We are the “tech-savvy” Gen-Z—the generation born and raised by the growing virtual world. Social media and technology have infiltrated every single aspect of our lives. We use technology for everything. It dominates our lives—whether we realise it or not. Our phones keep us connected. Our TV’s entertain us. The internet gives us information on […]