RE Generation

RE Gen-Z Study Centre

The RE Gen-Z study centre is held every Monday afternoon at Chatswood Northside Salvation Army (Archer St &, Johnson St, Chatswood NSW 2067) from 4pm-8pm. This is a place where teens can invite their friends to study together and also get to socialise with others. There are free tutors that can help with any questions, […]

The REGen-Z Podcast – Ep. #07 | Gen-Z and Church Culture

As teenagers in a fast moving world, there are many misconceptions and prejudices that we have about or against the church. To break these issues down, Hans, Vivienne, Jeremy and Joanne first delve into the main purpose and principles of the church, which is God’s original intention. Do you want a question to be answered […]

The REGen-Z Podcast – Ep. #06 | Q&A Part 1: Friendships

Friendships. It’s something that we all deal with, problematic or not. Hop on to listen to deep discussions on how to deal with friendships and as we dip our feet into sibling relationships as well. Questions: What should I do if I don’t feel like I belong or feel like an outsider everywhere, including church? […]

The REGen-Z Podcast – Ep. #05 | Connect Or Disconnect

As teens growing up in the 21st Century, it’s hard to draw the line when it comes to technology in this rapidly changing world. It not only affects our studies and social lives, but also our spirituality and relationship with God. In this week’s episode, Hans, Vivienne, Jeremy and Joanne discuss their own experiences and […]

The REGen-Z Podcast – Ep. #04 | Retreat Special: The Devoted Life 2

Praise God for the RE Gen-Z retreat we had a few weeks ago! In today’s episode, Hans, Vivienne, Jeremy and Joanne share their favourite retreat experiences and burdens after retreat. Whether it be the sessions or the fellowship aspect, we hope you enjoyed retreat as much as we did! Do you want a question to […]

The Triumph of Modernity

Many believe that Christianity and modernity are like oil and water. How can we maintain a Christian life, yet still be alive and somewhat ‘normal’ within society? In this week’s article we’ll discuss how it is to be a Christian in a Post-Modern world.

The REGen-Z Podcast – Ep. #03 | Retreat special: The Devoted Life

What does a devoted life mean to you? In today’s society, we all idolise and chase after different things. In today’s special retreat-themed episode, Hans, Vivienne, Jeremy and Joanne discuss their own struggles and thoughts on devoting our teen years to Christ. Do you want a question to be answered on our podcast? Click here […]