The Three Signs of A Christian
Almost everywhere we go, we’re confronted with signs that tell us exactly what lies inside – all the way from KFC to McDonalds. But what about the signs of a Christian?
Paradoxes and Promises
Throughout the Bible, there are countless paradoxes that pop up in both strange and wonderful ways – from the virgin birth to Christ’s Beautitudes. In today’s article, we’ll be exploring two particular contrasts that hold immense truth, and explore what they mean for our lives right here and now.
The Flickering Candle
Set against the glow of fireworks in the night sky, the New Year bursts in in a shower of celebration. But even as we celebrate, we might be feeling other emotions too: fear, worry, tiredness even. It’s another year bringing more opportunities, but it also means more temptations, struggles, and failures especially in our spiritual growth. So, how should the burnt out Christian, the teenager whose fiery zeal for God has dimmed, face this new year?
From Slavery in Sin to Alive in Christ
Freedom. Free choice, free country, free food (yay!), free for all. It’s a word we often toss around, but fail to realise just how much gravity it holds. If we know that Christ has freed us through His death, but what is it exactly that He is freeing us from? And what is it that He frees us for?
Let’s learn together in today’s article
The Fearful Life
What’s your biggest fear? It may be hard to choose just one (for me, I’m torn between hairy millipedes and bad grades), but here’s a more difficult question: why do we have to fear in the first place? Is all fear bad? And how do we find the courage to push past our fears, whether in ministry, school, or everyday life?
Hope we can learn together in today’s article!
Reminders for the Overwhelmed Christian
Exams. Assessments. Homework. Deadlines.
The perfect recipe for a stressful week ahead. But what does the Bible say in response to being overwhelmed? Are we left to struggle through it all the best we can? Or is there something more to hope for?
The Question of Loneliness
It’s a universal experience, yet I’ve found I still have so many questions about this feeling.
Is it just a feeling? Why do we have to feel lonely anyway? And is it something inevitable in this life?