Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:1-21
“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true)” (Ephesians 5:8-9)
Growing up Christian, it is easy to think we have given our whole lives to God. We understand what it means to give everything to Jesus. Yet, when we peel back the layers, do we know what it means to walk in the truth?
Learning to walk in the light is a continuous process. We are all learning one step at a time to become more like Christ. Little by little, God works in His children to purge them from a selfish and sinful life to a life that is wholly dedicated to Him in all aspects. Let us take a look at several aspects of our lives, and let us pray that God continues to spread His kingdom in our own hearts.
As people who have grown up Christian, giving our church life to God is easy. However, let us introspect our motivations. Why do we desire to serve God in church? What is the reason and purpose in our hearts? Do we genuinely want to serve God in our hearts out of love to Him? Do we serve because we understand God’s grace for us, which we don’t deserve?
Or do we serve just to fit in? Growing up in church communities, we feel like it is our home. We don’t want to disappoint those around us who seem godly and holy, and so we try to live up to their standards by joining in ministry. That is not what ministry is about! Christianity is not about sinful people trying to become holy. The church is a gathering of sinful and unworthy people whom God gives grace. God is the one who took the initiative to change the lives of sinful people to become His instruments. If God has changed the lives of others, pray that God does not pass us by and that He changes us too.
Apart from our church lives comes our school lives. What is our approach to our studies, friends and schools? God has called us to be students at this point in our lives. We have been called to learn. How seriously do we take our learning? Apart from learning, how do we act at school when we are in a different and usually worldly crowd? Do we try to fit in? Do we compromise our Christian faith? When our parents and church peers aren’t around, how do those around us perceive us? Do we live up to Biblical character? How would the teachers perceive us? As Christians, our lives are a witness to God. If we live according to His Word and His grace, the world will take notice that we are different. That way, we are a light in this world.
Then comes our family lives at home. How are our interactions with our family members at home? We are called to be witnesses of the gospel starting from the very fundamental place, which is our home. Often we think those closest to us don’t understand, nor are they worthy of our special care or attention. We have taken it for granted. 1 John 4:20 says, “If anyone says, “I love God”, and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.”
Applied faith and love to God starts from simple obedience to love those closest to us. More than loving and caring for our siblings; we are also called to obey our parents. God has given them authority over us. They are not to abuse that authority. However, they have been given it to nurture and teach us how to live life. What do we do when our parents fail? Does that mean we can disobey them? By no means. We must honour our parents as the fifth commandment would say. Though our parents may fail at times, the way we respond in respect, love and submission will be a powerful witness to the grace of God.
There are many more aspects to our lives which we ought to surrender to God. It is a life-long process, and even the godliest men are still working on it. Have we surrendered these aspects of our lives to God? Let us learn to follow Him.
Lord, thank You for the grace that You have given us for new lives. Thank You that You work in Your children to renew their hearts. Help us to obey You and submit to You in all aspects of our lives. Make us vessels to shine Your light to all those around us. In Jesus’ name, amen.